+353 (0)74 917 1300
+353 (0)74 917 1300
Dairy Nuts
Summer Dairy Nuts
Summer Dairy Coarse Mix
Dairy Nuts
Dairy Coarse Mix
Dairy Booster 21 (Y/Ab)
21% protein ration designed for feeding high yielding herds on winter forage.
High Maize and Barley inclusion to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
Contains Yeast and Acid Buff which enhances milk yields.
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk
Dairy Booster 19 Nut+Pov+Yab
19% protein ration designed for feeding high yielding herds on winter forage.
High Maize and Barley inclusion to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
Contains Yeast and Acid Buff which enhances milk yields.
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk
Dairy Booster 18% (Y/Cu)
18% protein ration designed for feeding high yielding herds on winter forage.
High Maize and Barley inclusion to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
Contains Yeast and Acid Buff which enhances milk yields.
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk
Supreme 20% Dairy Nut Y/Ab/Meg
Formulated for high yielding Dairy herds to enhance butterfat and milk protein percentage.
Contains High Levels of Megalac
Quality protein source from Hi-Pro Soya.
Contains Yeast and Acid Buff which enhances milk yields. High Maize diet to aid digestion of silage, minimise weight loss in early lactation.
High energy source from protected and non-protected fat, which enhances milk yield.
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk
Cow Developer 5 Nut
19% Dry Cow diet, wheat-based diet.
For feeding at 5kg per head per day
Contains Smyths Daleside Pre-Calver Supplement.
Formulated for feeding in the dry period.
Gives all the necessary vitamin and mineral requirements at a low feeding level.
High inclusion of Magnesium – feeding level 5kg per head per day.
Pack type: Bulk
Hi-Maize Graze 16+Y +Proteov
High energy ration with high Maize inclusion to increase milk yields and solids, as well as helping prevent weight loss in early lactation.
Includes Proteoval which prevents rumen protein breakdown, enhances cow fertility as well as increasing Milk yield and solids (protein).
Contains Yeast
Good quality minerals and vitamins to enhance cow health and fertility.
Contains yeast which enhances milk yields, reduces somatic cell count, and improves cow health.
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk solids and enhance rumen function.
Pack type: Bulk
Dairysweet 21% (Y/Ab+Meg)
Formulated for high yielding Dairy herds to enhance butterfat & milk protein percentage.
Quality protein source from Hi-Pro Soya.
Contains Yeast & Acid Buff which enhances milk yields. High Maize diet to aid digestion of silage and minimise weight loss in early lactation.
High energy source from protected( Megalac), and non-protected which enhances milk yield.
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk
Super Dairy Gold 20 meg/Y/Ab/P
Formulated for high yielding Dairy herds to enhance butterfat and milk protein percentage.
Quality protein source from Hi-Pro Soya and By-Pro Soya.
Contains Yeast which enhances milk yields. High Maize diet to aid digestion of silage and minimise weight loss in early lactation.
Contains Megalac-to enhance milk yield and solids
High energy source from protected and non-protected fat
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk & 25kg bags
Super Dairy Gold 18%
Quality protein source from Hi-Pro Soya & By-Pro Soya
Contains Yeast & Megalac which enhances milk yields. High Maize diet to aid digestion of silage and minimise weight loss in early lactation.
High energy source from protected & non-protected fat, which enhances milk yield
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages .
Contains high levels of quality minerals, vitamins & trace elements to improve cow health and fertility
Cal-Mag for feeding at 8 kg per head /day.
Pack type: Bulk
Hi-Yield 21 Dairylac Nut+Megalac
21% protein ration with Maize and Barley.
Includes Proteoval which prevents rumen protein breakdown,
Contains Megalac -enhances cow fertility while increasing milk yield and solids (protein), and Yeast
Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk
Hi-Yield 20 Dairylac+Proteo+Meg+Yab
20% protein ration with Maize and Barley.
Contains Maize and Barley to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
Contains Megalac, Acid Buff and Yeast
Includes Proteoval which prevents rumen protein breakdown, enhances cow fertility while increasing milk yield and solids (protein).
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk
Hi-Yield Dairylac 18+Proteoval+Megaby
18% protein ration with Maize and Barley.
Contains Maize and Barley to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
Contains Megalac, Acid Buff and Yeast
Includes Proteoval which prevents rumen protein breakdown, enhances cow fertility while increasing milk yield and solids (protein).
High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk