
Dairy Booster 21 (Y/Ab)

  • 21% protein ration designed for feeding high yielding herds on winter forage.
  • High Maize and Barley inclusion to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
  • Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
  • Contains Yeast and Acid Buff which enhances milk yields.
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk

Dairy Booster 19 Nut+Pov+Yab

  • 19% protein ration designed for feeding high yielding herds on winter forage.
  • High Maize and Barley inclusion to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
  • Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
  • Contains Yeast and Acid Buff which enhances milk yields.
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk

Dairy Booster 18% (Y/Cu)

  • 18% protein ration designed for feeding high yielding herds on winter forage.
  • High Maize and Barley inclusion to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
  • Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
  • Contains Yeast and Acid Buff which enhances milk yields.
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk

Supreme 20% Dairy Nut Y/Ab/Meg

  • Formulated for high yielding Dairy herds to enhance butterfat and milk protein percentage.
  • Contains High Levels of Megalac
  • Quality protein source from Hi-Pro Soya.
  • Contains Yeast and Acid Buff which enhances milk yields. High Maize diet to aid digestion of silage, minimise weight loss in early lactation.
  • High energy source from protected and non-protected fat, which enhances milk yield.
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk

Cow Developer 5 Nut

  • 19% Dry Cow diet, wheat-based diet.
  • For feeding at 5kg per head per day
  • Contains Smyths Daleside Pre-Calver Supplement.
  • Formulated for feeding in the dry period.
  • Gives all the necessary vitamin and mineral requirements at a low feeding level.
  • High inclusion of Magnesium – feeding level 5kg per head per day.
Pack type: Bulk

Hi-Maize Graze 16+Y +Proteov

  • High energy ration with high Maize inclusion to increase milk yields and solids, as well as helping prevent weight loss in early lactation.
  • Includes Proteoval which prevents rumen protein breakdown, enhances cow fertility as well as increasing Milk yield and solids (protein).
  • Contains Yeast
  • Good quality minerals and vitamins to enhance cow health and fertility.
  • Contains yeast which enhances milk yields, reduces somatic cell count, and improves cow health.
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk solids and enhance rumen function.
Pack type: Bulk

Dairysweet 21% (Y/Ab+Meg)

  • Formulated for high yielding Dairy herds to enhance butterfat & milk protein percentage.
  • Quality protein source from Hi-Pro Soya.
  • Contains Yeast & Acid Buff which enhances milk yields. High Maize diet to aid digestion of silage and minimise weight loss in early lactation.
  • High energy source from protected( Megalac),  and non-protected which enhances milk yield.
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk

Super Dairy Gold 20 meg/Y/Ab/P

  • Formulated for high yielding Dairy herds to enhance butterfat and milk protein percentage.
  • Quality protein source from Hi-Pro Soya and By-Pro Soya.
  • Contains Yeast which enhances milk yields. High Maize diet to aid digestion of silage and minimise weight loss in early lactation.
  • Contains Megalac-to enhance milk yield and solids
  • High energy source from protected and non-protected fat
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk & 25kg bags

Super Dairy Gold 18%

  • Quality protein source from Hi-Pro Soya & By-Pro Soya
  • Contains Yeast & Megalac which enhances milk yields. High Maize diet to aid digestion of silage and minimise weight loss in early lactation.
  • High energy source from protected & non-protected fat, which enhances milk yield
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages .
  • Contains high levels of quality minerals, vitamins & trace elements to improve cow health and fertility
  • Cal-Mag for feeding at 8 kg per head /day.
Pack type: Bulk

Hi-Yield 21 Dairylac Nut+Megalac

  • 21% protein ration with Maize and Barley.
  • Includes Proteoval which prevents rumen protein breakdown, 
  • Contains Megalac -enhances cow fertility while increasing milk yield and solids (protein), and Yeast
  • Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk

Hi-Yield 20 Dairylac+Proteo+Meg+Yab

  • 20% protein ration with Maize and Barley.
  • Contains Maize and Barley to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
  • Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
  • Contains Megalac, Acid Buff and Yeast
  • Includes Proteoval which prevents rumen protein breakdown, enhances cow fertility while increasing milk yield and solids (protein).
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk

Hi-Yield Dairylac 18+Proteoval+Megaby

  • 18% protein ration with Maize and Barley.
  • Contains Maize and Barley to prevent weight loss in early lactation.
  • Formulated with high levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements to improve cow health and fertility.
  • Contains Megalac, Acid Buff and Yeast
  • Includes Proteoval which prevents rumen protein breakdown, enhances cow fertility while increasing milk yield and solids (protein).
  • High levels of digestible fibre to increase milk butterfat percentages.
Pack type: Bulk